Hi, I'm Michelle, and I understand the yearning for deeper connection and purpose. I've been there. My own spiritual awakening ignited a passion within me to help others navigate their own journeys of self-discovery. As a trans channel, medium, creator, and educator, I offer a safe and supportive space for you to explore your intuitive gifts, connect with your higher self, and create a life aligned with your true potential. Whether through my online courses, workshops, or resources, I'm here to empower you to embrace your inner magic and shine your light brightly in the world.
To lovingly empower you to awaken your inner magic, connect with your higher self, and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and limitless potential.
To guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, unlocking your unique gifts and empowering you to shine your light brightly in the world.
Skill Set
Quick List: Mediumship, Conscious Channeling, Trans Channeling, Light Language Healing, Meditation Journeying, Shadow Work, Parts Work, Cord cutting, Implant Removal, Space Clearing (entity removal), Attachment Removal, Clearing Karmic Imprints, Blockages & Patterns, Clearing Ancestral Karma
1D – 4D & Spirit (5D)
Shadow Work
Space Clearing & Entity Removal (seperate pricing)
Talking to Passed Over Loved Ones
Connecting with Your Ancestors
Connecting with Your Shadow Self
Cord Cutting
Attachment Removal
Shadow Implants Removal
Past Life Regression
Inner Child Work
Wounded Aspects Work
Higher Frequencies (5D – 12D)
Light Work
Connecting with Higher Self
Connecting with Light Spirit Guides
Connecting with Higher Frequency Star People
Working with the Archangels
Soul Mission
Soul Purpose
Soul Healing
Shifting Timelines
Lightcode Activations
Finding True Identities
Light Language Clearing
Alignment & Balancing
Clearing Outdated Light Implants
Old Program Removal
Upgrade Chakras
New Light Implants
Energy Renewal
Soul Level
Soul Empowerment
Soul Retrieval
Clearing Karmic Blockages
Clearing Karmic Imprints
Clearing Ancestral Karma
Clearing Soul Contracts
Retrieving Soul Energy
Soul Level
Remote Healing for Healing Crisis (separate pricing, see Services)
Light Language Healing
Psychic Surgery
Alignment and Balancing
Aura Scanning & Clearing
Creating Metaphysical Energy Clearing & Protection Devices
Aligned Foods & Remedy reading
Chakra Implant Upgrades (light language & lightcodes)
All Levels
Soul Missions
Soul Purpose
Soul Contracts
Managing Personal Energy
Setting Boundaries
Highly Sensitive Souls
Self Healing
Self Care
Earth Angels
Shadow Work
5D Lifestyle